CILMAR endorsement for Global Inclusion
“Many folks are now coming to the interstitial space between the intercultural/global and DEI/SJ realms – a move that we celebrate and support -but the members of this team have been living in that space for decades, building the bridges that make the current work at that intersection now possible, both theoretically and practically. CILMAR values the advanced level professional development opportunities that Amer, Bert, and Joel are providing, and sends our own team members to this team for training whenever possible.“
– Annette Benson
“Bridging DEIBSJ with IC is Important work - the fields are siloed and this course and the learnings - including the Global Inclusion Praxis model - will be profoundly relevant in this endeavor. My work requires me to build strong intellectual AND behavioral foundations within myself so that the bridge I build is strong to support the work I must do''.